Currently, most high schoolers are not eligible to take the COVID-19 vaccination. In Montgomery County, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is only available to Phase 1A individuals, which includes qualifying healthcare offices and healthcare professionals, private healthcare contractors, people age 65 and older, and people age eighteen to 64 with high-risk conditions. There is no definitive date for when they will be open to the general public, as it is highly dependent on the quantity of vaccine doses that become available. Many health officials estimate that it will be months before low-risk individuals can take it. Yet, despite the country’s efforts to distribute vaccines, many officials report that at its current pace, full vaccination could take over a year. Regardless, LM students will only have access to the vaccine once high-risk individuals get vaccinated. However, there are still ways to protect yourself and others without the vaccine. Wearing masks, avoiding large gatherings, washing hands, and social distancing are all effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19.
“Vaccines are essential to keeping everybody safe. Once there are enough vaccines, taking the vaccine will keep me, as well as the people around me, safe.” – Benjamin Timberlake ’23
“I trust the massive scientific community contributing to the vaccine and I want to have a chance to be around others without endangering them.” – Sophia Schur ’23
“Once they’re available, you shouldn’t be allowed in person without one. There’s ways to learn online if you don’t want to get one.” – Aine McCann ’24