Protests continue to escalate in the fight to save Oakwell Forest from clearcutting and deforestation. The LMSD is currently planning to turn Oakwell, 13.4 acres of forest and wet- lands in Villanova, into supplementary playing fields for Black Rock Middle School. This plan is strongly opposed by local activists and environmental scientists, and the organization Save Oak- well, who argue that the destruction would be detrimental to the local ecosystem. Oakwell was bought by the LMSD in 2018, and without intervention, clearcutting is scheduled to begin in May of 2023. Activists say this means there is still time, and hope to defend Oakwell. As covered last spring, Oakwell Forest is a historic site and home to over 700 trees, some dating back to before 1700. As a major part of our water system, activists worry their removal could lead to flooding on Montgomery Road. Oakwell is instrumental in preventing flooding and erosion and is a vital water source for three different watersheds. Oakwell supports biodiversity, provides shelter for animals and keeps tick and mosquito borne illnesses away from vulnerable populations. Trees are also critical to the local air quality, essential to keeping temperatures cool and pre- venting asthma. Black Rock Middle School is notably far from the forest, which has led to concerns over how students will be trans- ported to the Oakwell fields. Also, because Black Rock already sits on 22 acres of land and only half of the student body (seventh and eighth graders) have the option to participate in competitive sports, some are further startled by the choice to bulldoze the three-century-old forest trees. Additionally, this project has been called fiscally and environmentally irresponsible, releasing massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere and cost-ing a fortune in taxpayer dollars. With the impacts of climate change already looming, and the demand for careers in environmental sciences and protections on the rise, some have proposed Oakwell as a resource to educate future generations since a forest with such a variety of trees could provide a unique opportunity to learn about sustainability. For students concerned about the climate crisis or interested in preserving Oakwell Forest, there is good news. As Pauline Voelkel ’23, president of Harriton’s Environmental Club, said, “the work of students will achieve much more than the work of adults.” The school board is specifically receptive to students, and through attending and speaking at the upcoming meetings on October 18 and November 21, students can help protect their futures and environment. Students can also write to the school board and administrators or their county commissioners. A large portion of the power to preserve Oakwell Forest lies in county commissioners, our local elected officials. Go to lookup. lowermerion.org to find your commissioner and send an email urging them to protect the forest. Students can also join the Save Oakwell organization at their weekly protests outside LM, Fridays from 2:30 to 3:30, and share information about Save Oakwell through social media.
Save Oakwell leader Shawn McMurtry explains, “The future is now. We are working harder than ever to engage LM residents to let LMSD know that destruction of Oakwell would be a grave, irreversible error. Student voices are among the most important of all. Students will live with the effects of climate change and be affected in ways that we can only begin to imagine.” Students in Harriton’s Environmental Club and SAGE organization have already begun mobilizing to save Oakwell Forest, and LM has the opportunity to make a stand before it is too late. Even with a date of May 2023 looming, McMurtry and other movement leaders are certain that there is hope. With legal approval pending, students have the power to preserve our environment for future generations.
Adam • Oct 13, 2022 at 9:54 AM
Very nice article. Well thought out. We must save these few remaining tracts of native forest!
Rebecca Reicherter • Oct 11, 2022 at 10:05 PM
Thank you for speaking out against this appalling plan to raze precious acres of habitat in Lower Merion! They literally want to pave paradise and put up a parking lot… I’m a LMSD K-12 alumnus and learned so much about conservation, protecting our wildlife, preserving our environment for generations to come. The fact that LMSD can – in the same breath – attempt to force this plan forward is so incredibly disappointing and isn’t in line with the values I learned here. They must be stopped!
Shawn McMurtry • Oct 9, 2022 at 9:10 AM
Speak out at upcoming meetings: 8:30 am, Thur, Oct 13 Facilities Meeting (in person attendance only) and 8 pm Mon Oct 17 School Board Meeting (in person or zoom in). Ask LMSD why they aren’t maximizing existing fields at schools where no ecological destruction is required, at a fraction of the cost! Ask when LMSD will get baseball/ softball on Arnold Field (as per LMSD’s 2016 Master Plan for LMHS)!
John • Oct 7, 2022 at 2:06 AM
Nicely written and well-sourced. Congratulations on a job well-done.
Julian Brightman • Oct 6, 2022 at 4:36 PM
So proud of LM and Harriton students speaking up for their future! Let’s be BULLDOG-ish on this and SAVE PARADISE- TEAR OUT A PARKING LOT! For the 10 million already spent and another 10 to clearcut we could tear out some parking lots ( already dead space) and put the parking lot under the fields! So many other options! GO ACES!
JulianBrightman LMHS’87
isabel melvin • Oct 6, 2022 at 3:59 PM
This well written article describes the mistake of LMSD’s proposal — to clearcut 500 mature trees in LM Twp for $$$ playing fields that already exist in our twp. As the author writes, “Trees are also critical to the local air quality, essential to keeping temperatures cool and pre- venting asthma.” Lower Merion Township residents are the losers if this development goes through.
Lori Daley • Oct 6, 2022 at 3:42 PM
This is some great journalism, Sam! I hope your fellow students are reading because you had to have grabbed the attention of others. I hope to see students organize to get out to a school board meeting and/or write to their township commissioners. District and township leaders need to hear what students think of this plan as you all ARE the future who will deal with all of the effects of deforestation and environmental destruction. A team of people including students, coaches, administrators, community members can surely come together to find an alternative. This is our community’s part to protect in the fight against a global crisis. Thank you, Sam!
Shawn McMurtry • Oct 6, 2022 at 8:06 AM
“The work of students will achieve much more than the work of adults”. Well said, Pauli Voekel! LMSD administrators, you should learn from them!
Shawn McMurtry • Oct 6, 2022 at 10:38 AM
Excellent article Sam, thoroughly impressed!!