Hi LM! I’m Eli Gordon and I’m your Student Council President. Over the course of this school year, I hope to build a stronger, more spirited community in school, create diversity in Student Council, and plan exciting events such as homecoming and football games featuring the Dawg Pound. Let’s also make sure to cheer on all LM sports teams! Attending vibrant sports games has been one of my favorite parts about LM thus far. If you’re a freshman or sophomore, attempt to take advantage of every opportunity to get involved whether it’s school or spirit. Ask questions and reach out to clubs you’re interested in–they’re
always happy to accept new members! I spent my time during the summer in Israel and at the beach. I also made sure to make improvements in Student Council. Let’s continue making this year awesome! Believe it or not, I can put both of my legs over my head, I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, I don’t dislike a subject in school, and I’m exceptional at Instagram giveaways. My astrological sign is Aries and my favorite subject in school is humanities. Other than serving as your Student Council President, I also partake in DECA, The Merionite, BuildOn, and The Starfish Project for Children. Have a great year LM!
Hi! My name is Cam Gordon and I’m your Vice President! This year, I plan to make LM a place that people want and feel comfortable coming to each day. Fun stuff coming! If you are an underclassman, I recommend you try new stuff! I know it’s cliche but it’s a cliche for a reason. LM has so much to
offer and if you don’t like something, just stop going. But you will never know what you’re missing out on until you try it. This summer, I went to Italy and Israel with my friends, then did summer work! My astrological sign is Cancer and my favorite subject in school is History. Other than student council, I also participate in Ultimate Frisbee, Deca, and The Merionite.
Hello Aces! I’m Mia Hail and I’m serving as your Secretary. My goal is to increase student participation in Student Council, increase spiritedness in all sports and other activities, and make LM enjoyable with new student council initiatives. Underclassmen: always remember to take advantage of Lunch and Learn to visit teachers and join a few clubs you’re interested in participating in for multiple years. Also, you should not randomly stop in the middle of the hallway. Over the summer, I traveled to Switzerland to visit my family. Also, I was a camp counselor for two weeks. My favorite subject this year is Psychology and my least favorite is Calculus.
Hey LM! I’m Cyrus Bernstein and I’m your Student Council Treasurer. Through Student Council, I want to have all students feel like they have a meaningful part in their school community and create a sense of inclusion. I also want to make school a fun and exciting place to attend. To accomplish this, all underclassmen should get involved. There are so many ways you can get involved at Lower Merion, whether it be by joining various clubs, showing your school spirit, or attending games. Some of the most special parts of my last four years at LM haven’t
involved just the academic side of school. Besides Student Council, I also am a member of the Principal’s Advisory council DECA, and NHS.
Hey! I’m Hutton Smith and I’m your Sergeant At-Arms. This year, I hope to expand the scope and scale of student government. I would like to see a larger portion of the student body involved with more diversity in race, gender, grade, and otherwise. With that, I also aim to improve and increase the involvement of general members of Student Council; spreading the work and getting more people involved will better Student Council as a whole. This summer, I went to Israel with BBYO and got to travel the country for three weeks.