Following 2022’s long winded election cycle, newly elected Governor Josh Shapiro has made his picks for his new cabinet. Among those appointed, LMSD’s own superintendent Dr. Mumin was given the immense honor of being appointed Secretary of Education. Following the Governor’s decision, LMSD will shortly be on the hunt for a new superintendent. With that in mind, LMSD needs to look for candidates who are student centered, forward thinking, and a unifying leader for our school district.
In this new era of post COVID-19 life, students are still struggling to assimilate to life without masks and Zoom. Lasting effects such as changes in lifestyle and behavior as well as delays in fundamental psychological development threaten high schoolers across the district. Additionally, our generation as a whole is facing a massive blow to our mental health. Mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, as well as social phobias, are on the rise for teenagers and high school populations. With that in mind, it is crucial that we have a superintendent that will listen to our students and center their focus on not only our successes, but most importantly our mental health.
We need a superintendent who will focus on addressing students’ mental health. We need leadership who will implement policies like routine wellness days for students scattered throughout the year. We need someone who is open to creating programs and seminars for teachers and administrators on how to really be aware of the mental health plummets in their students, as well as introducing and implementing ways that our administration as a whole can make decisions significantly centered around the mental health of students.
Being aware of the mental health of students also fits into needing a candidate who is mindful about constructing a brighter future for the students. We need someone who is accepting of all and makes impactful decisions for the present and future generations of students. For example, installing mental health programs for teachers.
Another thing is making sure that the money being spent for the schools is not harmful for students or the environment. For instance, instead of spending money on removing the Oakwell property and replacing it with more fields, use that money to invest more in renewable energy and locally sourced food for school meals. Instead of promoting something harmful to the environment, this said candidate would help create less of an impact and oversee investments for positive things that will make a difference in the long run.
Throughout the past three years, LMSD and its surrounding community has felt massive losses and changes. Everything from the passing of our former principal Sean Hughes, to the grievances of COVID-19, we need a leader who will unify teachers, students, and the community at large in order to heal. We need someone who listens to teachers and students alike and makes us all feel welcome. Now, more than ever, we must emphasize the importance of communication and relationships. We need someone who will help unify schools in order to strengthen the LMSD community for the success of all students.
Shawn McMurtry • Feb 14, 2023 at 8:13 AM
The School Board would be wise to put this advice to good use NOW! Mental health and environmental health go hand in hand.