To add some new flair to standard Student Council events, Club Madness brought together clubs, sports teams, and various other groups from the school. The bracket-style competition included a cash prize for the winners that would go to each activity.

In a packed Kobe Bryant Gymnasium, the activities embarked on the first round of the tournament: dodgeball. The round lasted two days in which twelve of the 24 teams that were in the tournament punched a ticket to the next round. The disappointed team that had lost that day did not walk away hopeless. As a result of only twelve teams being available for the second round, four tickets were available to round the remaining number of spaces to a total of sixteen teams. In a three way rock paper scissors tournament, the four teams moving forward found new life for the rest of the tournament.
The second round consisted of a “Sparkle” style spelling bee competition. After a word was presented to the teams, competitors went one by one in saying the following letters. With barely enough room to move in room 104, people cheered or jeered upon each team’s success or failure. After several arguments over the spelling of several words, the stage was set for the next eight teams in the third round.
The eight-team semifinals was capture the flag, the last athletic competition of the tournament. In the tournament’s return to the Bryant Gymnasium, the split gymnasium courts proved a more difficult space to “capture the flag” and avoid opponents. While fewer spectators were present for the third round than the previous two, the competitions still proved a popular attraction for many LM students. The four teams victorious that day include the Starfish Club, LM No Place for Hate, the Physics Club, as well as Team Grant Curry.

Finally, to finish off several days of exciting competition, the round to determine the cash prizes winners ensued. The final competition was a trivia game in which the questions were presented at the same time to all four teams. The team that buzzed in first would have the opportunity to answer the question. Although many claim the round came down to errors on the website as to who buzzed first, the Starfish Club proved the clear victor in the inaugural Student Council tournament.
For Student Council, the event proved successful overall. Besides the sheer number of participants, Student Council members noted the feeling surrounding the competitions. “The energy in the gym was high and we had a lot of students competing for the title,” noted Sarah France ’24, Secretary of the Radnor Committee. How- ever, one of the particular strengths of the event was the diversity of competitions. Capkin mentioned, “I loved the eclectic mix of events we had—dodge- ball, the spelling bee, capture the flag, and trivia—that played to the different strengths of all our clubs.” Club Madness proved a success that the Student Council hopes to carry into the future.