Since the loss of beloved principal, Dr. Sean Hughes, the LM community has come together to honor and celebrate his legacy in a variety of ways. On Monday, May 13, these efforts will continue with the inaugural Sean A. Hughes Golf Outing, which will be held at the Green Valley Country Club. This fun, full-day affair honoring Hughes will begin at 11:00 a.m, when registration, lunch, and warm-ups will take place. After everyone is settled in, the shotgun start, in which each player tees off simultaneously, will occur at 12:00 p.m. Once the golfing has commenced, an hour-long reception, including a cocktail hour and award ceremony, will begin at 5:00 p.m. and be followed by a dinner.
While golfing spots are sold out, if you are looking to attend, you can still sign up to participate in the reception. A ticket for this option, which includes the cocktail hour and dinner, is $125. Additionally, there are many sponsorship opportunities for local businesses, organizations, and families that range from $250 to $15000. Donors may choose from eight options, including becoming a benefactor, a patron, who are given a high amount of publicity through all event affiliated media, or a tournament sponsor. Among the sponsors already committed are Wawa, Main Line Health, and AFC fitness.
All proceeds from the outing will go towards the Sean A. Hughes Memorial Fund, which has already funded the “Sean Hughes Character Counts Scholarship” through the Lower Merion Township Scholarship Fund. The grant will be need-based and given to a child who has experienced the loss of a parent. After this idea was put into place, the Sean Hughes Memorial Funds Committee sought to implement something else into the community, specifically at LM: the Sean A. Hughes Memorial Plaza and Garden.
The vision for this structure is that ninth grade students will pass through the new area’s gateway to “enter to learn,” and then pass through one last time to “go forth to serve” as they conclude their high school years. The memorial will serve as a reminder of Hughes’ famous motto, “Character Counts,” and will work to foster yet another school tradition in his memory. LMSD shares that “[Hughes] was always looking for creative ways for students to use spaces on campus in ways that supported their intellectual curiosity, mental health, and sense of comfort and belonging at school.” It will be multi-functional in that it will provide a usable outdoor space for classes as well as a reflection area for students. The benefits from this golf outing will go towards turning this plan into reality.
Hughes was unique in that he was involved in so many different aspects of LM. For example, he served as the president of the Central Athletic League, furthering his connections with pupils, staff, and parents. He had outstanding character, leadership, and initiative that was deeply appreciated by all. Events like these make it possible for his legacy to endure and enable our students to see how much he impacted the lives of others.