Dear senior class of 2024,
To preface this, I am absolutely awful at saying goodbye. I am better at saying hello.
I can remember the first time I met so many of you in the art wing, at water polo, or one of the many after school functions. You were all so nervous as we said hello for the first time. It’s hard to explain how young you were on your first day of high school, or how weird it is that a few years later you’re already venturing out into the next phase of your lives. You have all traded your timid freshman-year personalities for a healthy dose of confidence, and the kind of energy that only seventeen to twenty somethings can possess. You will need that energy and confidence.
There will be endless adventures, problems to solve, and lives to live ahead of you. Just remember that, while some of you will have the time of your life, some of you will inevitably experience some difficulty. There will be many days ahead of you that are bright and full of love, laughter, and friendship. But there will also be rough days that challenge you. The kind of day where you need to call a friend to hear the comfort of their voice. Some of you will have more joy than sorrow, and others will unfortunately have to struggle more than they would like. However, each new day promises a new adventure. With each new adventure comes a choice. What will you do?
Beyond all of your schooling and academic rigor, I hope you remember to be kind. I know we say it all the time, but Character Counts. You might forget definitions, theorems, and passages of text, but I hope you never forget to lead with love. I am truly thankful for the memories you have created over the past four years. You are now part of the ongoing legacy of Lower Merion High School, but this is just the beginning. So save your goodbyes. We will catch up the next time we run into each other. I want to congratulate you on all your hard work, and I am so excited to hear how it all unfolds for you.
Miss you already,
Mr. Walsh.