If you’re a fan of the early 2000s show Gilmore Girls like I am, you know that at the private school Chilton, uniforms weren’t condemned as a burden, but were instead appreciated as a symbol of academic success. Uniforms like the one Rory donned to attend Chilton are a defining characteristic of the majority of private schools, but, recently, more and more public schools have been following suit, with nearly 20% of public schools today requiring uniforms, according to Nancy Cardona of Uniform Marker. This shift has sparked debate among educators, parents, and students alike, with opinions ranging from passionate support to adamant opposition to the policy. The trend signals a broader shift in our education system towards a more formal type of public education, inviting the question of whether LM should establish a similar policy. Pennsylvania state law allows school districts to impose uniform policies as established in statute 13-1317.3., although at the end of the day, there’s a possibility that students may not enjoy wearing uniforms—that much should be obvious. But that doesn’t negate the positive outcomes that we too could enjoy if LM were to establish a uniform policy.
A 2012 study conducted by University of Nevada researchers explored the impact uniforms were observed to have on middle schools, identifying changes in student behavior, both observed and officially documented. The study found that in schools that implemented uniforms, there was a decrease in illegal behaviors like vandalism as well as a decrease in school fights and gang activity. Even though it’s difficult to prove these changes to be directly linked to the uniform implementation, it’s very possible that the increase in self-discipline among students brought upon by the uniforms can be attributed. Despite the age of the study, its findings are still more than relevant today, and LM could most certainly serve to benefit from more student accountability as the schools studied did.
Without a doubt, LM would be improved by an increased amount of self-discipline, especially as it pertains to vandalism. When students are required to dress in a more standardized way, they’re significantly more likely to adhere to standards of professionalism, which fosters an accountable and respectful school culture. This would address a massive issue LM is currently facing—a pattern of showing an unacceptable amount of disrespect for the facilities we enjoy as LM students, from trashing bathrooms to drawing on desks to leaving our trash out after lunch. If uniforms have the potential to address this problem, they should undoubtedly be implemented. Of course, I’m not suggesting that LM adopt an overly rigid approach to education by forcing excessive discipline and lack of individuality—we would instead be making a shift towards a school culture with a greater respect for ourselves and our school, which would ripple down to improve all facets of LM.
Uniforms have immense potential to improve student behavior, not only as it pertains to how we treat our facilities, but how we treat one another as well. Uniformity in dress will also play an immense role in reducing peer pressure to give in to certain trends or styles that students may be uncomfortable with participating in. This will contribute to the positive message that just because your peers are doing something doesn’t mean that you should feel like you need to, overall cultivating a culture of self-respect and respect for one another. Removing the variable of clothing and fashion-based competition from the school day will allow students to give more focus towards meaningful peer interactions instead of worrying about their clothes and how they are being perceived.
Beyond student behavior, uniforms also have immense potential to improve school security. In a time where emergencies in public schools are a regular occurrence, school security is more and more becoming a pressing concern. The ability to easily differentiate students and non-students is infinitely valuable, and uniforms would allow students, teachers, and campus aids to all easily identify who should and shouldn’t be in LM. Just as adult IDs allow students to identify whether adults in the building are legitimate LM faculty, uniforms would allow adolescents in the building to be identified as LM students. In times of emergency, this easy identification would likely prove to be critical, allowing for faster and more organized responses.
Some might argue that the implementation of a uniform policy would result in diminished opportunity for students to express their identity. This argument demonstrates what I believe to be one of the most concerning trends emerging amongst young people—an overemphasis on physical expression over intellectual expression. Even though students might feel that uniforms limit their creative expression, there are endless ways to demonstrate our identity beyond clothes. Extracurricular activities, academic interests, and individual talents all demonstrate so much more about us than the clothes that we wear, and, as a school, we need to resist succumbing to the idea that who we are is conveyed solely based upon how we physically present ourselves.
At its heart, the conversation about whether or not LM should implement a uniform policy goes beyond just clothing—it’s a conversation about school culture, safety, and individual expression. The benefits of uniforms, from improved safety to refined culture are far too great to ignore, and it’s time that we take steps towards a school environment that prioritizes individuality beyond the surface level and empowers students to focus on what truly matters.