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The official student newspaper of Lower Merion High School since 1929

The Merionite

The official student newspaper of Lower Merion High School since 1929

The Merionite

The official student newspaper of Lower Merion High School since 1929

The Merionite


The Merionite is the school newspaper of Lower Merion High School. Consistently published since 1929, The Merionite serves to document the accomplishments and happenings of the Lower Merion community. Published both in print and online, the writers, photographers, graphic designers, artists and editors of The Merionite cover major news events affecting the school, highlight club and sports activities, and focus on the lives of students and staff. In publishing the diverse opinions of student editors and members of the student body, The Merionite celebrates the rights of a free press.

The editors believe all facts presented in the newspaper to be accurate. The paper acknowledges that mistakes are possible and welcomes questions as to accuracy. Inquiries regarding accuracy should be directed to the editors of the paper. Editors can be contacted via e-mail at [email protected] or in Room 200A.

To represent all viewpoints in the school community, The Merionite welcomes all letters to the editor. Letters can be sent via e-mail or dropped off outside The Merionite office. The Merionite reserves the right to edit letters to the editor for length or clarity.

All unattributed images are courtesy of WikiCommons, Pixabay, or Pexels.

Interested in writing for us? You can contact section editors at these email addresses:

Management: [email protected]

News: [email protected]

Opinions: [email protected]

Features: [email protected]

Arts & Entertainment: [email protected]

Sports: [email protected]

Graphics: [email protected]

Photography: [email protected]

Instagram: merionite

Please direct any concerns or inquires about the website to [email protected]