Welcome child to my humble abode!
I swear my shop isn’t sketchy
Despite it being way off the road
Do you want to be a gremlin?
Do you want to be a ghost?
Do you want to be the person you love most?
How about a witch?
How about an owl?
Or maybe a cat
That makes dogs howl
Something trendy
Something not
Something homemade
Something bought
Simple like a sheet ghost
Complex and colorful hair
Don’t stress yourself out
Stun people and let them stare
You said something non-cliche?
I might have something for you
Just drink this potion
We’ll see what you turn into
Look in the mirror
Can you not see your reflection?
Drink this one instead
It will give you a better direction
I see this time you’re a superhero
Don’t know too many though
Is it from that one franchise?
Wait, HEY don’t shoot me with that crossbow!
Ok now you’re in a uniform
What’s this from?
They all blend together
Or maybe I’m just dumb
You think this looks generic?
I can give you a stronger elixir
I can’t guarantee that
It will be a definite fixer
Ah, silly me!
That had a tag
This potion was meant for a group!
My eyes are a bit bad
Well it still worked
And there are now several costumes on the floor
But choose which you like
I hope they aren’t a bore
Say, do you have friends?
Dress up together!
This set specifically is a group of game characters
And the material is light as a feather
Or maybe you want to go
With only one other friend
Be a dynamic duo
It will be fun in the end!
Maybe an iconic pair
Like partners in a crime duo
Maybe something more mellow
And lots of effort to show
Be a cute couple?
Perhaps both of your favorite ships?
Hopefully you have some of the same ones
Or just get some tips
An angel and a demon
A pixie and a dragon
Materials of lace or even satin
Well my shop closes in ten
And you still seem to be lost
So when you see the cottage going straight
The roads shall be crossed
But you’ve gone all the way out here
And I have one potion left in store
It’s a bit of a dangerous one though
And it hasn’t been tested out before
Think of where you want to go
Drink this and you’ll be there
Can’t guarantee that it will work
Hope that didn’t give you a scare
Have a safe trip dear child
Don’t worry about accidentally making a scene
Make sure no one steals your candy
And have a very happy Halloween!