The Merionite news editors were recently astonished when finding out that roughly 50% of the freshman class do not know who Mr. Hughes is. In their survey regarding LM’s administration’s decision to go back to hybrid, this shocking information was revealed in a question naming the school’s principal.
“Is that the bike guy?” asked one anonymous freshman, clearly confusing Mr. Hughes for LM-famous bolt cutting extraordinaire KP.
“I didn’t know he moved from BC,” states another child—I mean freshman—this time confusing the principal for the sixth-grade math teacher Kevin Hughes. To shine a light on Mr. Hughes’s persona, The Merionite will be hosting a student-made documentary screening on Wednesday, December 23.
“The Bulldawg is the humor section of The Merionite. Here can be found satire and parody as commentary and critique on matters of interest to the school community. Articles posted on The Bulldawg should not be taken literally or viewed as representing truthful statements of the individuals or organizations which may be mentioned in the articles.”