For many of this year’s senior class, it has been an amazing four years and an incredibly unique final year of high school. This last year has made everyone grow as students and as future leaders. The resiliency you have shown has been second to none, and it has most likely prepared you for many of the challenges you will face in the future. Oftentimes I tell my students to take a deep breath and reflect on all of the positive things they experience. All these challenges we face make us stronger and teach us how to better navigate our futures. We cannot control everything, but with determination, resiliency, kindness and an open heart and mind, anything is possible. I am wishing everyone the best and for many awesome achievements (small and large, the simple things in life count just as much) in the future!
A punctual message
Nicholas Severini, a Spanish teacher at LMHS, briefly reflects on the time spent at LM by the Class of ’21. The article looks back on the characteristics of the senior class and offers advice for the future.
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