The Principal’s Advisory Committee is a group of students that meets with the Principal on the first Thursday of every month to provide feedback, assist with implementing new ideas and initiatives, and advise the Principal on all LM topics and issues. We speak for the entire committee when we say that meeting with Mr. Hughes was something we constantly looked forward to and truly cherished.
Every meeting, Mr. Hughes started the conversation off by asking, “How are you guys?” Even though he interacted with hundreds of students and faculty on any given day, Mr. Hughes would still be able to remember our names, clubs, accomplishments, and would always ask about and speak highly of our older siblings. In these meetings and throughout all of the time with Hughes, he always made us students feel important; it never felt like he had somewhere better to be or something else to do.
Mr. Hughes spoke with such passion, as he was invested in each and every student. He not only valued our opinions but attentively listened to us while exhibiting respect and empathy to all members. It is truly remarkable to find such a passionate and compassionate person who often challenged the status quo, no matter how challenging the task was to accomplish. After fourteen years of being a principal, Hughes still had that desire to continue to improve the school and help the community.
Even outside of our monthly meetings, Hughes was always there for us—smiling and waving at us in the halls, going to afterschool games and school-wide functions, and always having an open door policy. He allowed us to use his conference room and go to the Main Office whenever we needed. He understood that sometimes we just needed a break from the stress of high school. He always created an inclusive environment and welcomed all students to come in no matter the circumstances.
In early November, the president and vice president of our committee met with Mr. Hughes in his office to discuss other leadership positions within Principal’s Advisory. A fifteen-minute meeting discussing how to structure our board led to an hour-long conversation talking about our lives at LM, sports, creativity, former alumni and their accomplishments, and his son and his soccer team. This is a microcosm of what Hughes represented; his ability to connect, communicate, and inspire was one that is truly unique.
Every word he spoke contributed to the truth of Hughes’s personality. He genuinely cared about the students, school, and community. He was more than a principal; he was a great leader, ally, father, and friend. We are so thankful for his mannerisms and the way he listened to us, prioritized our thoughts and wants, and genuinely cared about everyone he interacted with. Mr. Hughes and the character he exhibited left a significant impact that we, as a board, school, and community, will never forget.