I’ve had the pleasure of watching a lot of you grow from confused, dramatic, and terrified 7th graders to who you are today. For those who were in Communiqué, or played for the 7th grade girls soccer team at Bala Cynwyd Middle School (a sport which I’ve only ever coached), to all of the students I was able to meet during your 10th, 11th and 12th grade Social Studies classes, your class is most definitely a memorable one. From running around the halls of BCMS during the infamous blizzard/power outage of 2018, to the young adults you are now, this class has many exciting memories. To say you’ve grown would be an understatement.
The class of 2023’s high school experience included dealing with pandemic challenges and the loss of our beloved principal, Dr. Sean Hughes, but you persevered. That perseverance is what you should remember as you tackle this next chapter of life. Hard work and perseverance will get you through the stressful academic and life challenges ahead. Hard work and perseverance will get you the job interview, internship, or help you become the master of your trade. Hard work and perseverance will help you tackle the inevitable challenges you will face. While the days of high school camaraderie may be coming to an end, a new journey is in front of you. This journey will be what YOU make it. So, when you are faced with challenges, remember when you persevered.
Remember your growth from that awkward middle schooler who ran around the hallways reenacting mobs from the Purge (IYKYK) to now. Look at how far you have come and remember how you got here: hard work and perseverance.
It has been an honor to be your Class Sponsor and I hope great things for each and every one of you. I truly
believe in each of you, and I hope you all achieve whatever you set your mind to. I believe that Dr. Hughes would be proud. I know I am. Go forth and serve, Class of 2023!