Congratulations on reaching such an important milestone on your trajectory towards the future. As we celebrate your commencement, I often think of the meaning of the phrase, “the beginning of something” or “coming into existence.” Your commencement is an important moment to celebrate with your family and friends, but it should also be a reminder that the journey, in some ways, is just beginning.
Your time in high school is characterized by many milestones, such as your academic achievements, social contributions, athletic accomplishments, and your commitment to service. I hope as you reflect on your time at LM that you can identify where you experienced success in its many iterations. I also hope, as you reflect, that you can appreciate the opportunities to grow through challenges that you have overcome.
As you celebrate your commencement taking pictures and selfies to post on IG, remember to acknowledge those who supported you in reaching this milestone. This is indeed a time to celebrate you, but it is also for your families and those who have supported you through the years. Remember to acknowledge the parents, guardians, caregivers, and friends who have contributed to your success. Please also remember to thank the faculty and staff who have nurtured you along the way; we celebrate with you as you move from student to alumni.
As you expand your horizons, whether it be in college, the workforce, the military, trade school, or time off to explore other opportunities, I want to encourage you to go with kindness. In a world overshadowed by cruelty, divisiveness, and even hatred, my hope is that the Class of 2023 would project kindness into everything you do. Kindness is defined as “showing or proceeding from benevolence.” Kindness is rooted in love and compassion for others; its presence compels action for the betterment of others. My encouragement is not to simply be nice to others, which is being pleasant and agreeable, but to show kindness—to show consideration, compassion, and empathy through your words and your actions.
Author Marianne Williamson said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” I used this quote in my classroom daily to encourage and remind my students that they had something amazing to offer our classroom and school community. I share this with the Class of 2023 with the same goal of encouraging and reminding you that you have something amazing to offer your families, your local communities, and the broader society in which you reside. My hope is that as you enter this next phase of your lives, you continue to discover and utilize the gifts and talents you have for the betterment of those around you. You have entered to learn, and it is now time to go forth to serve.
Lastly, I hope as you move on from LM that you remember the ACES Expectations: Accountability, Character, Effort and Safety. While I know many of you are sad that you cannot take the ACES Expectations signs with you past this school, I hope the individual words resonate in a meaningful way. Be Accountable for your actions and decisions. Be a person of good Character—it truly counts. Put forth Effort in all that you do for without it, progress and growth will be minimal. Be Safe. Make good decisions and look out for the best interests of others as you go about your day. Congratulations to the class of 2023—we are proud of you and all your accomplishments!