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The official student newspaper of Lower Merion High School since 1929

The Merionite

The official student newspaper of Lower Merion High School since 1929

The Merionite

The official student newspaper of Lower Merion High School since 1929

The Merionite

Aiko Palaypayon '23

Aiko Palaypayon ’23, Photographer

Hi! My name’s Aiko (pronounced eye-koo) and this is my second year in The Merionite! I’m one of the photographers so you’d frequently see me running around the school trying to snap photos without being awkward😄👍‼️ Other than that, I love playing tennis, video games (sad to say I was AR 56 in Genshin Impact in May 2020), reading and going to coffee shops. A random fact about me is that I haven’t had my hair be my natural color since 7th grade😀👍‼️ it’s very dead.

All content by Aiko Palaypayon ’23